December 22, 2024, 6:26 pm
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Foreign Minister Dr Deuba visiting India on Sunday

भदौ १, २०८१ मा प्रकाशित | २५८०दर्शक तीव्रखबर

Kathmandu, Aug. : Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Arzu Rana Deuba is visiting India from Sunday at the invitation of her Indian counterpart Dr S. Jaishankar.

Issuing a press release today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Minister Dr Deuba will hold a meeting with Minister of External Affairs of India Dr Jaishankar and discuss matters of mutual interest for further strengthening Nepal-India relations and promoting cooperation.

The Ministry hoped that as part of the regular exchange of high-level visits between Nepal and India, this visit would further consolidate the age-old, deep, and multifaceted bilateral relations.
Minister Dr Deuba is scheduled to return home on August 22, the Ministry stated.
