December 22, 2024, 6:53 pm
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Education Minister asks agencies to improve results of grade 11 and 12

कार्तिक २९, २०८१ मा प्रकाशित | ७००दर्शक तीव्रखबर

Bhaktapur, : Minister for Education, Science and Technology Bidhya Bhattarai has asked the concerned agencies to improve the academic results of grade 11 and 12.

At a meeting of the Education and Human Resource Development Centre of Education Council Secretariat today, Minister Bhattarai directed the officials to bring about reforms in academic achievements.

Likewise, he asked to ensure the accessibility of students to the audio-visual materials developed by the Centre.
On the occasion, Minister Bhattarai instructed the officials to submit the plan of action for the integrated curriculum revision within a week and suggested to make the education materials flawless linguistically and pictorially.

After the meeting, Minister Bhattarai also made inspections of different educational institutions of the government based in Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur.

She also took stock of the service delivery and challenges in regard to medical education, equivalence, scholarships, affiliation and other activities.
